Sundays At 10:15am

Our Passion is to Carry the Presence of Jesus, Together, For Others.

Momentum is a church that is faithfully stepping into a new season. Our style right now is meaningful Sunday morning worship which include, musical worship, prayer and a message that will encourage you.

Our hope is that you and your family will discover a friendly environment full of people like you that need the grace of God. Additionally, our prayer is that you have a genuine personal encounter with God who loves you deeply! This could be the beginning of something very special in your life!


Every Sunday we gather together for worship, prayer, and the word. Coffee and snacks is available.

What Should I Wear?

Most of us are very casual with what we wear. Unless it’s Christmas or Easter, you’ll likely never see anyone in a tie. Even our Pastor wears a t-shirt on most Sundays. 

What about our Children?

We’re a small church striving to be a community that worships together. Until we’re blessed with someone who’s got a passion for children ministries, Kids, newborn and up are asked to stay in the sanctuary.

What about our Teen?

On Sunday’s we encourage Middle School & High School Students to attend Church Service in our worship service along with their family. We also encourage those students to be active parts of ministry and services on Thursdays since Ashler Manor are kids their age.

What is your style of music?

Worship is one of those areas that is very preference driven. It’s impossible to have one style that suits everyone. The reality is much of our tastes are influenced by what we grew up with, for better or worse. We have made an attempt to focus on heart-felt worship. It’s about our worship to God.

We do have a young Worship Leader who is new to leading worship, and we’re looking for a team of ministry partners to help with singing and instruments. We sing popular worship choruses and we do hymns arranged in innovative ways. At times it is upbeat, and at other times it’s more reflective. Our prayer every weekend is that our worship is pleasing to God.

What is your preaching/teaching like?

Sermons are prayerfully designed to introduce people to God’s love and purpose for their lives. They are very Bible-driven and practical. You would also find it to be refreshingly relevant and real.

Faithfulness and obedience are a part of every message. We believe God still changes lives, and healthy Christians are still growing and making daily decisions to live God-honoring lives. If you are far from God or a deep-rooted Christian, there will be something to take home for you.

What do your services "feel" like?

Simple. We are a young church with a passion for unity. The services feel exciting, warm, and friendly all at the same time. It should feel like you’re home and among very close friends. You may even get a sense of belonging and a call to see the needs. Perhaps God brought you and your family to Momentum to be that missing piece?

What do you ask of visitors?

Visitors are encouraged to come, relax, and enjoy. During the offering time it’s a way for us as Christians to give out of obedience and generosity. Let the Holy Spirit lead you in what you should give.

We do ask all visitors to fill out a Let’s Connect Form, which can be found on our website. This helps us know how we can better serve you. Just click the button below.

We ask every visitor to check us out for three (3) visits. We call it the three Sunday Challenge. This gives our visiting friends a good snapshot of what Momentum Church is all about.