Carrying Jesus Together
For Others

What is Momentum?
What is Momentum?

The Bible uses the words, ‘going from victory to victory, from strength to strength, from glory to glory, from faith to faith. ‘ This is momentum. A forward movement! We believe Jesus has more for you and He wants to take you beyond anything you could ever ask for or imagine!

At Momentum, you’ll find a church community where you can connect with other people, grow in your relationship with Jesus, and discover a life full of potential and promise. Momentum church is made up of people from different walks of life with a diverse range of experiences, but we all share one common desire: to experience the transformative power of Jesus in our lives!

We’re committed to building authentic community and cultivating a real-world faith that produces meaningful impact in our lives, communities, city, and the world.

Our Story
Our Story

Momentum began in 1971 as Twin Hills Church of the Nazarene when a group of Christians from Calvary Church of the Nazarene in Williamsport felt the call to plan a church in the Pennsdale/Montoursville area. Ten acres of land were purchased, and the land was prepared to build what stands now as a 30-by-60-block church. The church, with holiness as its main mission, began serving and loving the community for 50 years until the congregation felt the need for something different.

In May 2023, the congregation began to discern the need for a revitalization of the church along with a new name. After prayer, it was agreed that the new name would be Momentum Church. Along with the new name, a new vision and mission were given. We’re called to, “Carry Jesus Together for Others.”

Our Pastor
Our Pastor

God gave Matthew and Alicia a vision and a calling to pursue pastoral ministry together back in 2004. Matthew, coming from the mountains of West Virginia, and Alicia, born and raised in Big Valley, Pennsylvania, unexpectedly crossed paths during their college years through a friend and, by faith, began a relationship together in Christ as they were married in 2005.

Their remarkable journey has been characterized by audacious leaps of faith like moving the entire family to Colorado and the thrilling adventures of parenthood, yet it has also been marked by profound trials and tribulations, encompassing grief, addiction, and depression.

Amidst these moments in their lives, God worked marvelously, fashioning something far deeper and more extraordinary than Matthew and Alicia could have ever envisioned. His purpose for them transcended their own aspirations, weaving together their experiences into a unique tapestry that became their personal “Momentum” story. It was as if they were always moving forward, by God’s grace.

Today, Matthew shepherds Momentum church with Alicia by his side and they have three crazy but awesome kids, Gabriel, Chloe and Abbagail.

Our DNA | This Is Who We Are

This is both who we are and who we're becoming as a community. Our DNA stems from the intersection of how transformation happens and who Jesus is. Click each value below to see how Philippians 2:13 encompasses our core vision to, "Be Light | Go Shine."


Carry is one of the most important parts of our DNA. It means we intentionally carry the presence of Jesus within us, both too will and to work according to his good purpose. Jesus is a living, personal identity to be put on, like a garment or a new self. We carry the very presence of Christ in us and he wears us like a glove. 


When Jesus becomes our new identity, we’re called to learn to become more like Him. Following is followers; following, followers following Jesus. It’s meaningful discipleship. It’s walking with those who’ve been there before and those beginning the journey. 



Sharing comes from the overflow of what Jesus is doing in our lives. It’s being generous, outgoing, and overflowing. Sharing is caring for one another and putting the needs of others before our own. I can be a sharer with them as they enjoy gospel blessings, so that I might enjoy their enjoyment of Christ.

Why Lycoming County?

We believe in serving where we have been planted. And here in Lycoming County there is plenty of opportunity to be light to a dark world that desperately needs Jesus.

We believe we have an incredible opportunity as a church to tap into that potential by helping people like you step into and experience the “more than” and “beyond” that Jesus has for you. For us, it’s about change and transformation in your life that produces change and transformation in your world.